Wednesday, August 13, 2008

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YouJoomla - Hosting
November 2007 Joomla Template


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YOOTheme - Mee 1.5
YOOTheme Mee for Joomla 1.5


YOOTheme Mee for Joomla 1.x

free joomla themes: yootheme - evolution- Must see

YOOTheme - Evolution

YOOTheme - Evolution
July 09 Joomla Template

Be part of the latest innovation in the Joomla! templates! This months YOOtheme template Evolution is packed with brand new features. Now you can take the full advantage of each module position, using the flexible Module Proportions feature.

This addition to the YOOtheme module system, gives you the possibility to chose between different module proportions for each module position. By default you get two module proportions: equal and golden ratio. Further you are able to easily create your very own module proportion sets. Also this month YOOtools gets a exciting addition too! The YOOgallery which delivers a easy and smart way to publish multiple images in your Joomla! website. The YOOgallery extension is available as module and plugin for Joomla! 1.5 and 1.0. Enjoy!

* Enhanced module system with flexible proportions
* New advanced YOOgallery Module and Plugin
* Sub titles for the menu items
* Fully sliced Fireworks .png Source files
* Native Version for Joomla 1.5

Take the next step in evolution with YOOtheme templates and more! Join the YOOtheme club today.

Classic features:

* Tableless CSS design
* Accordion Menu with smooth animation and color fading
* Styleswitcher for accessibility control
* Lots of template color variations
* Many module positions
* Fully collapsible module architecture
* Enables PNG Alpha Transparency for IE6
* Extra HTML tag stylings
* Fully sliced Adobe Fireworks .png files for customizations
* Native Joomla 1.5+ version
* Very clean and fast loading design
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0 Valid
* Fully tested in Firefox 2.0+, IE6, IE7, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.0+ and Camino 1.0+


This template supports a wide variety of module positions and variations. Almost any column and module layout can be achieved with the YOOtheme module system. Read the following descriptions carefully to learn all about the possibilities this template has to offer.

Module Positions

The YOOtheme module system offers nearly unlimited combinations ofmodule positions. For example you can have a 1-Column, 2-Column or 3Column layout. It is also possible to have a nested right columninstead of a right column which has an equal height as the left column.

In most module positions you can publish as many modules aspossible for you current layout. You are surely familiar with this forthe vertical module positions like left and right. But withthe YOOtheme module system we introduce some new module positions whichsupports publishing as many modules as possible in one horizontal row. Also the height of all published modules in one vertical row is adjust to match each other.

All module positions are fully collapsible. If there is no module published in a certain position, this module position will contract and disappear.

Module Proportions

One outstanding feature of the YOOtheme module system is the possibility to chose between different module proportions for each module position. By default YOOtheme offers two module proportions: equal and golden ratio. For all module positions with the suffix "-equal" in the upper figure exists an equivalent module position with the suffix "-goldenratio". The proportions of the modules depend on the position in which they are published ("-equal" or "-goldenratio").

Example: You can publish 2 modules in top-equal. The width of each module will be 50%. If you publish the 2 modules in top-goldenratio the width of the first module will be 62% and of the second module 38%.

Of course you can publish the modules for each page in different positions. For example this feature allows you to publish one big module and a second smaller one (golden ratio) on the frontpage. For all other sites you can use equal module widths.

Important: For each page and each module position you have to chose if you are going to publish in the "equal" or "golden ratio" position. It is not possible to publish a module in the "equal" position and at the same time another module in the "golden ratio" position on the same page and for the same position. If this happens the "equal" proportion has priority and will be displayed. All modules published in the "golden ratio" position will not be displayed.

The following figures show the different proportions depending on the numbers of published modules.

Left Column Layout

This template supports two different layout options. The "left" module position can be aligned to the left or the right. To chose between these two possible options goto the Joomla backend, open the template parameters and set the parameter "Layout Style" to "left" or "right".

Layout LeftLayout Right


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free joomla themes: yootheme - chrome- Rapidshare file share

YT Chrome

YOOTheme - Chrome
June 2008 YOOTheme Template

With the latest template Chrome, YOOtheme takes transparency to the next level! The template provides a fully transparent body with rounded corners, which makes customizing through beautiful background images a great pleasure. A real eye-catcher is the new menu which comes with smooth fading effects and enhanced dropdown menu transitions. Further the template gives you 9 different module styles including the all new tabbed-style. So make sure to have a look at the template layout with shows the possible module styles which can be use in all module positions. Enjoy!

* New module framework and optimized CSS
* Enhanced Dropdown Menu effects
* Fully sliced Fireworks .png Source files
* Native Version for Joomla 1.5

And of course all the classic features are included: Tableless CSS Design, YOOmenu System, YOOstyleswitcher and many more...

Classic features:

* Tableless CSS design
* Accordion Menu with smooth animation and color fading
* Styleswitcher for accessibility control
* Lots of template color variations
* Many module positions
* Fully collapsible module architecture
* Enables PNG Alpha Transparency for IE6
* Extra HTML tag stylings
* Fully sliced Adobe Fireworks .png files for customizations
* Native Joomla 1.5+ version
* Very clean and fast loading design
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0 Valid
* Fully tested in Firefox 2.0+, IE6, IE7, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.0+ and Camino 1.0+


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Amazing download free joomla themes: joomlart - ja labra

JoomlArt - JA Labra

JoomlArt - JA Labra

Finding inspiration from artistic style, JA Labra sees a new splendid color theme showing the realistic and gentle animation.

For the first time, module JA FlowlistNew has newly added an unique image sequence to the headerwhich enables to load external images and creates a 3D flow animation. The animation can automatically play in loop or upon cursor click in various types of flow effects (i.e. bounce, elastic, back etc.,). The background color of the module is changeable to go with image color themes at your end.

Particularly, JA Labra does support drag and drop feature New to move modules among the left and right positions. It appears that we all become familiar with Joomla! default way to change module position, now it is time to see how differently the JA Labra handles with module positioning. Default configuration can be re-set easily by clicking "Reset Module Status".

In addition to animation effects from JA Flowlist, the JA Labra fully explores the advantage of JA Tabs as shown in our previous releases like JA Teline II, JA Iolite etc. Just take a moment to view all above-mentioned outstanding features via our Demo.

An Overview of JA Labra's features:

* Artistic and Clean Design
* 3 columns layout based template
* 3 color options: default, cyan and green
* JA FlowlistNew - 3D flow animation
* Drag and drop modules New
* JA Tabs and JA Slideshow modules with soft transition effect
* Tableless design and 100% CSS-based
* Joomla 1.5.x compatible
* 3 Menu options: JA Split menu, JA Suckerfish menu, JA Moo menu
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional Check it ?
* CSS Validates Check it ?
* Valid 508 Accessibility
* Delivered with source .PSD and FONT files, Demo site sample database and detailed user guide which can be found in JA Labra download folder and JA Labra forum.
* Well-commented template_css.css and index.php file for flexible customization

JA Labra modules guide
JA Labra modules guide

JA Labra v1.0 for Joomla! 1.5.x

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- Quickstart included Joomla! 1.5.4
- Template
- Extensions

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JoomlArt - JA Kulanite
Second June 2008 Joomla Template

- Template for Joomla 1.5.x
- Extensions
- Quickstart


Easy-Share | Sendspace | Rapidshare

Amazing download free joomla themes: joomlart - galena

JoomlArt - Galena
May 08 Joomla Template


Sendspace | Rapidshare | Megaupload

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JA Barite

JoomlArt - Barite 1.2
JA Barite for Joomla! 1.5.X

Template + Extension + QuickStart


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JoomlaDesigns - Wintercalls
Joomla Template


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Joomladesigns - VOIP

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Joomladesigns - Mobile Force
Size: 1,4 mb


Youjoomla - Softech - Jan 08 - Joomla Templates - Amazing download



Megaupload file share Youjoomla - Innovative Lab - Feb 08 - Joomla Templates

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YouJoomla - December 07 - Equalizer - Amazing download

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This month we are making your wishes true. By your request Youjoomla presents Equalizer Music Joomla Template. Perfect template for your , radio station website, music portals, music download sites , and much more. Equalizer is 3 column joomla template with 13 collapsible module positions, 3 color options  , build in style , font and width switcher, 3 additional module styles, IE6 png fix , and js image reflection. As all our template Equalizer comes with fully functional Joomla 1.0.13 Demo installation for easy editing and setup. 
mirror - no wait

Yootheme Rollout - December Joomla Template - You must see

With the December template Rollout YOOthemes template collection gets its last masterpiece for 2007. The stylish menu navigation enhanced with highlight effects creates the eye-catching key design element of this template. As always the template integrates perfectly with the popular YOOslider and YOOcarousel modules. Like all YOOtheme's previous releases the template and modules are available for Joomla! 1.0 and also as native Joomla! 1.5 version. So get your hands on this hand-picked template with all its great Web 2.0 features!



Yootheme Page - Feb08 Joomla Template - Free download

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Must have Yootheme Beyond - Jan08 Joomla Template

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Download Template

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Yootheme - NU - May 08 - ALL YooTOOLSJoomla 1.5.x - Rapidshare


Yootheme - Mee - Mar 08 - Joomla 1.5.x and 1.0.x Templates

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Joomla 1.5 and 1.0.x download + sources

Yootheme - Ambient - Apr 08 - Joomla 1.5.x and 1.0.x Templates

Download theme 1.0.x and 1.5.x

Template Plazza - Votez Plazza - Jan 08 Joomla Template - amazing

Mirror ( no wait - no limit )

Template Plazza - Musican Plazza - December Joomla Template

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Now it's music time!  Musican Plazza, our new template, is specially designed to make your dream on a Joomla Portal music come true. Just take a look at our demo site then you'll see how Musican Plazza is blended so well with Musicbox, the great music portal component from Joomla Italia that will bring a music portal functionalilty such as Artist database, album, songs, lyric direct to your site.

We also have developed a special module for MusicBox called Mod SuperMusic Box, that will improve your MusicBox functionality mirror ( no wait - no limit )

Template Plazza - Estore Plazza Joomla Template - Rapidshare download

eStore Plazza is mainly designed for your Joomla+VirtueMart-based Online Store site, but that's not a dead option, because you can always use this template as another kind of your Joomla site.
VirtueMart has been known as the leading Online-Shop solution on the Joomlasphere and more than 1.5 Million downloads so far. So, if you are one of this 1.5 million VirtueMart users, why don't you you take look around this eStore Plazza template in action and let your eyes decides whether to replace your old J! Online Store template or not.
Also equipped with this template, a Module Sliding Tab based on codaslider jQuery plugin by Nial Doherty, which is allowed you to place 15 module position on it.



Rapidshare file share Template Plazza - Comuna2 - Feb 08 Joomla Template

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Template Plazza - Classifieds - Apr 08 Joomla Template - No wait-No limit

Download theme 1.0.x and 1.5.x

Shape5 Duo Plate - Mar 08 - Joomla 1.x 1.5 Templates - File

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Download duo plate - joomla 1.0.x and 1.5.x

Shape5 Forever ACE - Feb 08 - Joomla 1.x 1.5 Templates - amazing

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Download ( includes joomla 1.0.x + 1.5.x sources + extension )


Rockettheme - Synapse - Mar 08 - Joomla 1.0.x and 1.5.x Template - Rapidshare download

Download Joomla 1.0x and 1.5x template extensions sources

Shape5 Forever ACE - Feb 08 - Joomla 1.x 1.5 Templates Awesone

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Download ( includes joomla 1.0.x + 1.5.x sources + extension )


Rockettheme - Synapse - Mar 08 - Joomla 1.0.x and 1.5.x Template Rapidshare download

Download Joomla 1.0x and 1.5x template extensions sources

Rockettheme - Populus - December 07 Joomla Template Amazing Rapidshare
The exciting new Populus template features a module driven design with loads of module positions, making it one of the most flexible templates we have ever offered.
Harness the power and flexibility of Populus to create the ultimate community portal site.

Populus also features our popular integrated tabbed module system, providing you with a powerful way to display your content. Also making its return is the stylish RokSlideShow module, as well as many more features you’ve come to expect from RocketTheme templates including: RokMooMenu, an incredible 22 module positions with subtle module variations, RokZoom integration, and so much more


Free download Rockettheme - MediaMogul - Jan 08 - Joomla Template

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Rockettheme - Hivemind - Feb 08 - Joomla Template Megaupload

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Rockettheme - Dimensions - Nov 07 Joomla Templates Rapidshare

The incredible new Dimensions template features a beautiful new look and feel designed to allow for the quickest and easiest customisation of any RocketTheme template to date. Change your background and customise your colors in minutes without being required to step foot into an image editor.

Dimensions also introduces a sleek new integrated tabbed module system that harnesses the power of RokSlide, providing you with a powerful new way to display your content. The features don’t stop there. Dimensions has many more powerful features under the hood, including the exclusive RokMooMenu, 15 versatile module positions with subtle module variations, RokZoom integration, and so much more…


Fantastic Rapidshare Rockettheme - Chromatophore - Apr 08 - Joomla 1.0.x and 1.5.x Template

Joomla 1.0.x and 1.5.x Files + Sources

Rockettheme - Catalyst - May 08 - Joomla 1.0.x and 1.5.x Template Megaupload file share

Joomla 1.0.x Download + Sources + Extensions

Joomla 1.5.x Download + Sources + Extensions

Rapidshare download NeoJoomla (Oct 07) Underground

The October template club proposes to you Underground, it offers a design that is both simple and trash in the spirit of the blog presentation. This template is ideally suited for websites dedicated to music news, videos, artistic or as a portfolio.

Download now Joomlart JA Corona - 2nd Feb 08 - Joomla 1.5 Templates

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Download( template + source + ext. )


Free Joomlart JA Barite - Feb 08 - Joomla 1.5 Templates

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Joomla 1.5 Downloads



Joomla 1.0.x Downloads (template + extensions + quickstart ) 

Surprise JA Erica - December - Joomlart Template

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File JA Drimia - December - Joomlart Template

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Mirror ( no wait no limit)

Free.. free.. Gavick Mox Movies - December - Joomla Templates



Gavick - The Moment - may08 - Joomla 1.5 Template

Tempalte 1.5.x + Extensions + Sources